PART I m speaking English for my own satisfaction my job in order to improve my employment prospects If you want to go ahead these days you need to. Useful phrases for speaking paper FCE, CAE, CPE 82% Useful phrases and clues for the writing paper FCE, CAE, CPE;
PET SPEAKING PART 3: DESCRIBING A PHOTO ( 1 – 1 ½ minutes per candidate) In PART 3 you have to: Talk about a colour photo that the Examiner will provide . USEFUL LANGUAGE: GIVE A GENERAL INTRODUCTION 'This picture shows …' 'In this picture I can see' 'This is … FCE Speaking Test Part 3 Useful Phrases (with examples ... Useful Phrases for Speaking Part 3. Would you like a list of phrases you can use in the speaking exam? You would? Then you're in luck! I've split the phrases into different sections, and at the bottom of the page is an example conversation which uses some of the phrases in a natural way. Cambridge English: Preliminary Lesson Plan: Speaking To familiarise students with the procedure and expectations of the PET speaking examination 2. To develop knowledge of the language for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing the Task 3 gap-fill for the procedure and timing of Part 3. • The students can check their answers using page 93 and page find phrases such as: in the
Nov 26, 2014 · Pet speaking part 1 and 3 1. PET SPEAKING PART 1 Part 1 of the PET Speaking exam lasts about 2-3 minutes. During Part 1 the examiner will ask you some easy questions to find out more about you such as about your studies, where you live or what hobbies or interests you have. Part 3 and 4 | PET Speaking Test Practice Part 3 For Part 3 the examiner will give you a colour photograph like the one below.You have to describe what you can see in the photograph. The examiner then gives your partner a different colour photograph to describe. PET Speaking Test Practice. Just another site. Part 3 and 4. Part 3. B1 PRELIMINARY: SPEAKING (PART 1): STARTER QUESTIONS ... The B1 speaking Exam from Cambridge Exam English is a preliminary exam that tests the candidated ability to converse fluently. The candidate needs to answer the examiner´s questions with a 20-30 second answer and try to use appropriate vocabulary and some complex grammar (conditionals, modal verbs, passive).Be careful with simple grammar and pronunciation errors.
FCE Speaking Test Part 4 Useful Phrases — FCE Exam Tips Mar 06, 2016 · FCE Speaking Test Part 4 Useful Phrases March 6, 2016 by Andrew Girardin. Useful Phrases for Speaking Test Part 4. Another collection of handy phrases to use in the speaking test. Buying Time. I've never really thought about that, but What a good question! That's a good question. That's an interesting question. Oh! Useful phrases for speaking paper FCE, CAE, CPE - PART I m speaking English for my own satisfaction my job in order to improve my employment prospects If you want to go ahead these days you need to. Useful phrases for speaking paper FCE, CAE, CPE 82% Useful phrases and clues for the writing paper FCE, CAE, CPE; FCE SPEAKING MATERIAL (VIDEOS AND PDF-FILES WITH … FCE Speaking Practice with Useful Vocabulary and Questions (Parts 2 & 4) FCE Speaking Practice Parts 2 and 4 (inc FCE SPEAKING PART 3 (DISCUSSION) FCE Speaking Part 3. Speaking Part 3.pdf. Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.8 MB. Download. FCE SPEAKING PART 4 (FINAL QUESTIONS)
PET Speaking Part 2 – EnglishVillage.EU
To familiarise students with the procedure and expectations of the PET speaking examination 2. To develop knowledge of the language for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing the Task 3 gap-fill for the procedure and timing of Part 3. • The students can check their answers using page 93 and page find phrases such as: in the PET Speaking – Useful Phrases – TEFL Planet Nov 20, 2017 · PET Speaking – Useful Phrases. tefl-planet November 20, 2017 November 19, 2017 Tips For Teachers. Here’s what I have so far for a B1 level student, along with the printer friendly version! PET Speaking Expressions – Handy PDF! Starting The Conversation. Shall I start? Would you like to start? Previous PET – Speaking Part 2. Next PET Writing - Webnode 3 | PET Writing How to pass the Cambridge PET Writing Section 1. Introduction Who is this book for? This book is simply for students who want good marks in the writing section of the Cambridge PET Exam. It is also useful for any lower intermediate student who would like to … FCE Speaking Phrases – Tim's Free English Lesson Plans Jun 08, 2016 · FCE Speaking phrases. It is really a great and useful piece of information. conversation topics esl CPE debate debate topics DELTA discussion education english esl essay exam preparation expressions FCE FCE speaking part 3 formal essays FORMAL WRITING fun activities fun in the classroom fun with grammar game games grammar ice breakers